Saturday, December 31, 2011

Recommissioning the Cornucopia

Here we are on the last day of 2011, only 2 years behind our launch schedule. That's what happens when you retire. You think time has slowed down, but what's happen is you have slowed down and time is zooming by you.

The Cornucopia is on stands beside the house. That's really convenient for working. That is when the weather is good. The past summer was so hot we only went out to jump in the pool. Working on the boat was not possible from June through September. When the weather got cooler we got geared up to finish all projects.

*Complete new engine installation including mechanical and electrical components.
*Paint hull and decks
*Repair rudder (yet again. Jim's welds held but other areas rusted through)
*Bottom paint
*Recover berth mattresses
*replace curtains and remove old tracks
*Install wooden curtain rods in galley/salon
*Modify bench seats in galley/salon
*Fabricate/install new table
*Repair and paint cockpit
*Replace helm and nave seats with car seats.
*Replace canvas enclosure for the cockpit.

I'll stop for now. Bob needs help. He's working on the galley bench seats

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