Saturday, January 28, 2012

3 days to launch

 72 hours until launch! This morning was spent running last minute errands and completing business related items. All seems to be in place. I spoke with Mark our lawn maintenance guy. He will  now take care of the back as well as the front. That way we want have a jungle when we return.

The last few food items will go on board when Bob finishes up in the cockpit. I will begin cooking aboard tomorrow. Leaving my dishwasher, washer, and dryer will be difficult. I am already experiencing separation anxiety. Face it-- I just don't enjoy washing clothes by hand. Sometimes it's necessary between marina fixes. 

I've also got one quilting project to go with us. That gives me something to do in the quiet evenings when we are anchored. I'm saying that now. The last few times I've taken needlework on board, I never had a chance to get it out. We were so busy with other things, or there were much more interesting things to do.

My saltwater fishing gear is ready to go. I think of my grandmother every time a pick it up. She loved to fish. 

That's all for now. I've got to get back to work.

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