Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More work

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 we are still working away, getting ready for next week's launch. I'm busy making lists for provisioning the boat and closing down the house. I wake up in the middle of the night and think of another item to put on the list. This morning at 3AM," Brillo pads" were added to  one list and "unplug and empty the Bunn coffee maker" to another.

I have downloaded an app for my bank, so all  bill paying can be down via phone instead of computer. What a blessing that is!

Bob is busy with electrical systems and installing the bilge pump with warning light. He has been at this for over two years, first installing the new engine and fuel tank and their electrical components. He has also install new helm and nav seats (car seats in a former life), He would have been done 6 months ago, but the summer was so hot, working in the engine room was impossible.

Besides the issues with electrical and mechanical systems, we  have had a continuing problem with water in the bilge. We simply can't figure out where it is coming from. Late this afternoon, I partially filled that tank and measured the water level to see if the tank is leaking. 

We are done for the day. Bob is waiting for the State of the Union Address. I'm planning on reading my fiction instead of watching it.

Enjoy the photos. The boat is situated in such a way that getting a good shot of the  new cockpit enclosure is difficult. Walter at Sailers Nautical Services here in Savannah did a wonderful job.

Helen finishes replacing water cap.

Newly installed head. 

New oak table

View of drive shaft and aft section of engine room

View of solar panel and helmsman's hatch.

Fair weather helm

galley in the process of provisioning

pilot house with port nav station and starboard helm

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