Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday's child has far to go . . .

That is how I felt yesterday evening. Even though I had done all the grocery shopping, except for bread and eggs, which I will pick up Monday, I still have far to go before my chores are done. The division of labor here is Bob: everything mechanical, electrical, or carpentry related. Me: sewing, provisioning, cleaning, keeping up with the blog and sailing websites. I think logistics is also one of my responsibilities. We both keep up with the weather and continue checking charts both paper and digital, particularly for assessments of anchorages and points of interest along the southbound ICW.

The day went like this. I'm up at 05:30. I check the weather on NOAA. Things are still looking good for the launch, but that could change.  Then I check email and make today's shopping list, including a trip to West's Marine. I'm the first person there, and have the store all to myself. Captain John gives me some hints on mooring at St. Augustine, FL., and says crossing the Okeechobee is a real treat.

Then on to Walmart before 10AM. I like to shop early and avoid congestion. Zipped through that and got home to find Bob working on a mount for the horn. Everything gets stored so it won't shift around and hit the hull. We take coffee break and catch up on where each of us is in our list. We agree that all is on schedule.

The dehydrated food items I ordered arrived in today's mail. Later FedEx delivered the cabin lights we had been expecting for a month. Bob immediately begins work on that. I continue working my way through the closing down the house list.

Late in the afternoon, Bob ran through the docking procedure with me. This needed some changes from our usual because we don't want the dock lines to come in contact with the scissor stand supporting the mast. That is one more potential problem solved. Our motto: If it's predictable; it's preventable. So place the dock lines where they are ready to throw. Sometimes this has to be done in a hurry, especially in crowded situations or where there is strong current.

The day ends with a feeling of accomplishment.

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