Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Wow! has today been busy. First on the list was putting "Noseeum" mesh on the screen covers for the fore and aft hatches. If you don't live below the"gnat line," you don't know what I'm talking about. These critters are so small you can't seem them--hence the appellation "Noseeum". I'm here to tell you that you can feel them. They will bite a hunk out of you.

That done, I looked at my list for today's chores. First was check the water level in the fresh water tank. I went on board and saw there again was water in the bilge. I had a horrible sinking feeling that we were headed for another expensive repair. What a relief when the level measure the same as last night's. This begs the question, "Where IS the water coming from?"  The only answer we can come up with is condensation.

Once that was done, I headed out to find an O-ring, get the lenses in my glasses replaced, stop by the pharmacy, and check with the local hardware store to see if they had a kerosene lamp.

My last stop before home was the UPS store. I signed up for a mailbox. The services they offer takes the last bit of worry out of leaving home. They will accept all deliveries and notify me by email when any package arrives. They will also forward anything if I need that service.

Then Bob took time out from bilge pump chores to go with me to Harbor Freight for supplies such as another pair of  cheap Vernier calipers, flashlights, and  my personal favorite....a horn for the boat so people will think the Queen Mary is approaching.

Then back home to the usual around the house stuff.

Tomorrow will be shopping for groceries, filling the propane tanks, and getting 10 more gallons of diesel fuel. It's significantly cheaper to make several trips to Sam's for diesel than to fill up at a marina. By significant, I mean $0.50 a gallon. Our tank holds around 85 gallon.

The rest of the week I will be putting things on board and organizing.  The trips up and down the ladder should have me in good shape.

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