Monday, January 30, 2012

Final Countdown

All was going well until I received a call from the credit card company questioning a charge of $39.99 to an escort service. I assured Visa that I had not made the charge. (Geeez! What can you get for $39.99? I don't think I want to know.)Since we are leaving in less that 24 hours, even overnighting a new card is out of the question. The bottom line is Visa will not except any internet charges to my account. That's good. I can deal with a getting a new one on our return trip.

Bob had a last conversation with the boat hauler last night. I am confident this guy will take care of our boat. He's been hauling expensive racing yachts from one coast to the other. Those of you who know racers realize how picky there are about how their boats are handled.

After all the hard work Bob has put in on repainting the hull, A ladder got knocked against it, putting several bad scrapes low on the starboard side. This included a tear in the boot stripe. Oh, well. It's like the first scratch on a new car. It's sort of a relief not to have to worry about when in the future it's going to happen.

This will probably be the last post for a least a few days until we get to an area with wi-fi. That will probably be Jacksonville or St. Augustine.

 I hope to post photos then.

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