Thursday, January 5, 2012

Off to Savannah

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This is a hurried entry. It's July 10 and finally we are in the water and ready to leave. We have an appointment for the Yellow Mill Channel Bridge to open tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. Right this minute Bob and I are finishing the last couple of emails while clothes are drying. The condo is immaculate ( there are a few dust bunnies nestled under the bed. Who will ever notice?!) We have cleaned the stove, the frig, and everything else that we could. Our friend and real estate agent, Joy has already placed ads in the paper. In just a few minutes we will bid farewell to our home in CT to spend the next 3-4 weeks traveling South to Savannah. The winter and spring have been filled with work and worry. Mostly work for Bob and worry for me. He commented earlier that I seemed to have calmed down in the past day or so. This is so because all the loose ends are finally finished and we are actually about to do what we have been planning for over a year. Wow!

I'll continue writing and catching up the events involved in launching and getting the bugs out of Cornucopia's systems. Quite a story that is!!

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