Friday, January 6, 2012

Work continues

I'm still sewing and working on fancy knot tie backs. A new bell pull is also in the works. The two major items to finish are the table and plumbing. The dingy outboard isn't working 100% and needs a trip to the shop.

We have a staging area set up in the guest bedroom. All the furniture is covered in boating paraphernalia. I'd like to get most of this stored on board before the boat hauler comes. That will save going back and forth with car and dingy to load while we are at anchor. That is doable but a lot of work!!!

In between I have been working on the blog. I can't access the old one and have moved all that information into this one. However I think the order of postings may be a little confusing. I'm going to try  to make sure everything is in chronological order.

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